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AleLexer.cs Implementation of the AleToken and AleSimpleLexer classes. The AleToken class represents tokens in expression. The AleSimpleLexer is a base class for AleExpressionParser class.
AleOperations.cs Implementation of the AleOperation class for description of functions, methods and operators.
AleOperationToken.cs Implementation of the AleOperationToken class for representation of operation tokens - functions, methods and operators. The AleOperationToken class is inherited from the AleToken class.
AleParser.cs Implementation of the AleExpressionParser class that tokenizes expression and builds expression tree. The AleExpressionParser is a partial class. This file contains core part of the class.
AleParser_operations.cs Implementation of the AleExpressionParser class. This is part of the class with methods, which evaluate built-in functions and methods.
AleString.cs Static class AleString exposing some useful methods for working with strings.
AleTerm.cs Implementation of the AleTerm and AleTermResult classes. Description of delegates for evaluating user variables and properties and for assigning them values.